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  • Importance of AI in Digital Transformation

    Published: Feb 15, 2021  |   | 
    The Role of AI

    From a buzzword to necessity, digital transformation has made a long journey in recent years. Surprisingly, the COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a catalyst in increasing its pace across various industry sectors. Evolving technologies like Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic Process Automation (RPA), and Machine Learning (ML) have played a significant role in bringing transformation in the companies. What makes it more interesting is the fact that all these technologies work in sync for developing digital transformation solutions.

    Back in 2006, a mathematician Clive Humby coined the phrase “data is the new oil”. Data is, indeed, a game-changer in this highly competitive business scenario. As per the official report, data-driven organizations are 19 times more likely to make profits as compared to the same without using data. We just cannot separate big data and analytics from the digital transformation services.

    However, analyzing a huge volume of data is a cumbersome task and requires a lot of time and effort. There, AI and ML come into the picture. These technologies can effectively reduce the human effort and decrease the time necessary to get meaningful insights. What’s more, AI technology also assist the company management to implement changes based on these insights. Let’s understand the role of AI in bringing digital transformation to your company.

    Let’s start from scratch and get an introduction to AI.

    Artificial Intelligence- Brief Introduction

    It all starts in the 1950s when Alan Turing suggested the fundamental vision for this revolutionary technology. He simply put the possibility of making machines think in front of the world, and over the years, we have several approaches available to realize this possibility. As the name suggests, Artificial Intelligence is a simulation of human intelligence in an artificial way. This simulation is done by non-humans or machines.

    Today, AI is one of the most rapidly evolving branches of computer science. It deals with building smart machines that perform human tasks that need a cognitive approach in decision making. AI makes machines intelligent to perform human-like tasks by learning from previous experiences and adjusting to new ‘knowledge’ or inputs. AI brings the utmost accuracy in the processes while eliminating the chance of human errors.

    Also Read- How Artificial Intelligence Drives Decision-Making in Enterprises

    Why AI is Important in Industries?

    AI uses deep neural networks for learning new methods and even languages. The technology can be integrated with the cloud to make the most out of available data. AI uses advanced learning algorithms for making data analytics more effective. Artificial intelligence services focus on integrating AI technology in core business activities to improve their efficiency and enhance the overall performance.

    We come across various use cases of AI in our daily life and many companies have already started leveraging the benefits of digital transformation. Here are some of the most prevalent applications of AI in modern industries.

    Most Common Applications of Artificial Intelligence

    1. Advertisements and Recommendations- AI can analyze the customer’s data related to their shopping habits and searching patterns. On the basis of this analysis, AI can generate personalized product recommendations for users or customers. Many eCommerce companies like Amazon and eBay have already started using AI for this purpose. Customers certainly love these recommendations and find them useful because these recommendations can save their time and effort of searching.

    2. Virtual Assistance- Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant have started a new era of voice-based assistance. AI technology is at the core of these voice assistants. They can answer questions of the users, give suggestions, and assist users to organize and accomplish their daily tasks.

    3. Diagnosis- Healthcare professionals can offer better diagnoses and medications while discovering new patterns based on the patient’s history. The healthcare sector can deliver improved patient care in a cost-effective way using AI technology. Robotic surgery and smart devices are also powered by AI technology.

    4. Agriculture- Artificial Intelligent services offer better surveillance and reduced impact of environmental factors to the agriculture sector. Also, farmers can get knowledge about the usage of pesticides and water for maintaining the optimum level.

    A renowned artificial intelligence company can give more details about other use cases of AI in the corporate world. It also assists you to gain the benefits of this technology for accelerating processes and end-to-end monitoring.

    Concluding Lines

    AI can transform key processes of modern enterprises by analyzing and leveraging machine data for providing deep insights. These actionable insights can be used for improving various processes and enhancing the workflow. Companies can reduce bottlenecks and common issues with ease while accelerating the speed of processes. AI plays a vital role in eliminating human errors and making informed decisions to empower businesses irrespective of size and scale.

    Silver Touch Technologies is a reputed digital transformation services provider. We integrate advancements of AI, ML, RPA, and Big Data to build a customized digital transformation solution. Our digital innovation program consists of 4P’s- People, Process, Portfolio, and Platform to take your enterprise to a new level of automation and digitization. Do you want to know more about our digital transformation services? Simply drop us a line at We will help you come up with the best transformation strategy.

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