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  • How Robotic Process Automation aka RPA is useful with ERP to generate better ROI

    Published: Feb 4, 2021  |   | 
    RPA for better ROI

    What are the core objectives of ERP systems? They can streamline business processes, keep the important data in one place, and simplify complexities at the workplace. How about combining an ERP system with robotic process automation solutions? RPA software bots can take the streamlining process to a new level by bringing automation and eliminating mundane tasks.

    You can bank on RPA software for any repetitive tasks including data entry, report generation, and even HR-related functions. In a way, RPA solutions enable users to get the full benefits of an ERP system while getting rid of repetitive, non-core processes. It is fair to mention that robotic process automation can bring transformative changes to your existing ERP system.

    Here is a list of some of the processes that you can automate using the robotic process automation solutions with the ERP system.

    Processes in which Automation is Possible

    There is no rocket science in identifying ERP operations that can be automated. All you need to think about the functionals areas of your business and relate them with the RPA solutions. You can hire RPA developers in India to get the assistance.

    Here are some of the common tasks that can be easily automated by combining ERP with RPA-

    • Inventory and Supply Chain Management- As and when the stock level gets too low or high, the RPA solution can give an automatic alert.
    • Data Transfer- Robotic process automation solutions assist you to transfer data from CRM to ERP with the utmost accuracy.
    • Real-time Reporting- This is one of the most crucial tasks as the RPA system can generate real-time reports on the process updates of various departments.

    Simply put, RPA solutions can automate any rule-based processes of the ERP system. Let’s take an example of financial services. Processes like Bank Reconciliation, account payables, taxation, and P2P cycles involve detailed steps in a logical way. Robotic process automation solutions can easily understand and manage such processes. It frees the arms of human resources to manage other critical and interpersonal tasks.

    What’s more, you can improve services significantly as robotic bots can work on a 24/7 basis to resolve the customer’s queries. Minimal or no human intervention can further increase the accuracy and speed. RPA solutions can also assist companies to get a high ROI while addressing compliance-related needs and offering high data protection.

    Also Read- Top Benefits of Robotic Process Automation Solutions for Businesses

    Organizations across various industry sectors can use RPA and ERP combination to serve various objectives including-

    • Automated data entry in existing ERP system
    • Comparison of data fields to get actionable insights
    • Automation in ERP data migration
    • Data mining and analysis
    • Real-time data sharing
    • Email campaigning and other tasks

    The RPA technology acts as a bridge between legacy planning and modern ERP system. Here are the key benefits of combining RPA solutions with the existing ERP system at your workplace.

    Increases Efficiency and Productivity

    RPA solutions can free resources to focus on more productive tasks that need a higher level of manual intervention. While accomplishing complex and repetitive tasks more precisely, RPA bots can enable your organization to meet deadlines. Automation of mundane tasks can increase the employee’s efficiency and productivity over the period.

    Brings Scalability and Automation

    Scalability and flexibility are necessary to survive and thrive amid a highly challenging business scenario. With RPA integration in your ERP system, you can easily fetch the data and analyze the same to find out the areas of improvement. Also, you can hire dedicated RPA developers to scale up or down the RPA software based on your changing requirement. In a way, you can maintain high quality and timely delivery.

    Offers Cost Savings

    Automation of mundane, repetitive tasks can save money in two ways- One, there is no need to hire additional resources, and two, you can save big by eliminating human errors. Also, the administrative labor cost also gets reduced by integrating robotic process automation solutions.

    Improves Customer Services

    ERP and CRM (Customer Relations Management) data can be collected easily with the help of customized RPA solutions. Your employees can share and access the necessary data easily and efficiently anytime to deliver excellent customer services. It is easy to analyze the customer’s issues and resolve their queries while offering a personalized approach using the RPA-ERP combination.

    Concluding Lines

    Modern enterprises are ready to embrace technological innovations to stay competitive and ensure growth. With robotic process automation solutions and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) combination, you can expect a high ROI within the defined timeline. You can take resource planning to a new level by bringing automation into various processes. In a nutshell, the RPA-ERP combination can enable your company to leverage the real benefit of ERP systems with improved precision and higher efficiency.

    We are a leading robotic process automation solutions provider. We are also a CoE of Automation Anywhere for offering RPA services. Our in-house team of RPA developers can integrate ERP features in the RPA solution and vice versa to facilitate our corporate clients to bring automation into the ERP system. Do you want to know more about the benefits of RPA in ERP? Just drop us a line at and we will gladly assist you.

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