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Cloud Security

Cloud Security Solutions

Mitigate Risks, Ensure Compliance: Effective Cloud Security Solutions

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Cloud Security

One of the key aspects that makes cloud security is the decentralization of data across multiple data centers across the globe. Data loss becomes more difficult because if one of the data centers fails, the others will be active, processing and storing the data in different geographic regions.

Now, when it comes to preventing cyber-attacks, the cloud provides an endless array of services. The principle is similar to that of traditional IT, however, providing much more functionality, tools, and ways to proactively monitor, in addition to being less costly and more efficient.

Secure Cloud Services: Key Considerations for Business

Cloud Security
  • Encryption
  • Firewall
  • Access control
  • Alert and anomaly tools
  • Attack and access prevention

Just map your company’s needs and choose a cloud service that has tools that meet your company’s data storage, processing, and security demands.

It is noteworthy that the cloud is flexible and gives the autonomy and freedom to choose the level of security necessary for your business. In the IaaS model, for example, the responsibility for security is mostly with the customer. In the PaaS model, the provider guarantees infrastructure and its entire structure, but it is the customer who determines the security processes and services based on their needs. Finally, in the SaaS model, most of the infrastructure and security responsibilities rest with the provider, and the customer is only responsible for establishing the company’s standards for the provider to adapt its services.

Security During Data Migration

After deciding which cloud your company will use, the next step is to plan how your security design will look and thus implement it without major changes in your routine. Our cloud security experts at Silver Touch recommend, plan and execute in a more practical and secure way the migration of data to the cloud.

It is important to establish criteria and classifications, categorizing the information in terms of importance and confidentiality, indicating those that deserve extra attention in the process. It is also up to the responsible team to test the applications and functionalities with which the organization works to identify their compatibility with the cloud service.

You still need to have a cloud service partner that cares about the entire design and security continuity.

Cloud Security

What We Provide Our Services

Active Governance and Compliance

We carry out detailed planning that establishes management, monitoring, compliance, and alerting processes. This structure makes room for the cloud to be used in accordance with the best security practices established by corporations.

Apply Privacy Policies

Silver Touch takes these measures to ensure the protection of collected and internal personal data. It is up to the corporation, once again, to define in its planning which types of data should have this attention to hire cloud services that can implement such solutions.

Review The Cloud Service’s Security Terms

Silver Touch knows well what the cloud service’s attributions are and advise customers, clearly identifying the limits of action between the customer, service provider, and the cloud provider, making clear the responsibilities of each one.

Cloud Security Management

We acknowledge data security is an activity somewhat shared between customers, cloud service providers, and cloud providers. Thus, it is important that service providers have cloud security experts which Silver Touch ensures of it.

Check Infrastructure Availability and Security Structure

We Understand cloud providers’ infrastructure should be completely secure, not being an easy target for cyber-attacks, and complying with the best security practices. We confirm how data is distributed, ensuring service availability.

Conduct Process Audit

We make sure auditing of security processes. It is also an important part of verifying that established processes are being followed in accordance with company policy. Our Cloud services already offer this self-inspection and often work with audits carried out by reputable companies.

Driving Sustainable Growth: Your Reliable IT Partner
with 27+ Years of Experience


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