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Our E-Governance practices include a vast array of services. We assist government interactions with citizens(G2C), businesses(G2B), employees(G2E) and help government to co-ordinate internally(G2G). Our E-Governance Solutions revolves around such Government Models and its Services.

Government to
Citizens (G2C)

G2C refers to the government services which is being shared with citizens. Citizens access such services which is related to their need.

Type of services which are provided by this model includes

  • Online Payment such as electricity, water tax etc.
  • Online Registration
  • Download Records
  • Online Complaint


Government to
Government (G2G)

G2G refers to the services which are being shared between the governments. There is lots of information that need to be exchanged between various government agencies, department and Ministries.

These types of services or information are as

  • Online Registration
  • Download Records
  • Online Complaint


Government to
Businessmen (G2B)

With this model, private sector and government mainly interact. Industry exchange information via these services.

They share information through this model like

  • Collection of taxes.
  • Rejection and approvals of proposals.
  • Tender, Payment & Penalty
  • Complaints


“The purpose of a business is to create a customer who creates customers”

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  • Your Privacy is our utmost priority.
  • We will not reveal any of your info.
  • It will be used to contact you for Project purpose only.

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  • This form is Secured with Validations.
  • Your Privacy is our utmost priority.
  • We will not reveal any of your info.
  • It will be used to contact you for Project purpose only.
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