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Endpoint Security


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Endpoint Security
Why Endpoint Security is Important?

Why Endpoint Security is Important?

Do you know that every remote endpoint of an enterprise is an entry point for a cyber attack? The ever-increasing number of remote workers results in more and more endpoints that must be secured. This means that organizations and businesses of all sizes are potential targets for hackers. Hence, all of them require an efficient system of cybersecurity to counter these threats.

According to a poll by Gallup, nearly 51% of all employees in the US were working remotely in April 2021. Similarly, 77% of SMBs are concerned that they could face a cyber attack in the next 6 months. It was also reported in 2020 that a data breach can cost an average of $3.86 million in the world. This value can increase to $8.65 million if the company is in the United States.

In addition to that, the continuous innovation of hackers is making things much more complicated for companies. For example, manipulating employees to reveal the sensitive information of an organization is one of the latest developments. All these reasons make endpoint security a must-have for protecting an enterprise in today’s world.

How Endpoint Security Works?

The basic principle of endpoint security is to examine all the files, processes, and activities of a system for suspicious activity. For this purpose, these platforms have a centralized management console through which every endpoint can be accessed. It is installed on a network gateway while the client software is then delivered to each endpoint.

The client software will allow cybersecurity professionals to control the security of every device. This is because it can authenticate log-in attempts and push updates when necessary. Similarly, it allows the security team to administer the latest policies without leaving their office.

Although on-premise and hybrid techniques are also quite common, most of the modern Endpoint Protection Platforms (EPPs) are shifting to the cloud. This powerful technology provides well-maintained databases, faster accessibility, and scalable systems. However, some organizations with certain regulatory requirements will need an on-premise system.

Why Endpoint Security is Important?

Types of Endpoint Security

Hackers are always improving their techniques to increase the efficiency of their attacks. Not only do they want to break through the security systems, but they also want to hide their identity. Therefore, it’s extremely important to keep the cyber security of your company updated. Endpoint security offers just that by combining preventative protection with detection and response features. The following are some types of Endpoint Protection that can secure the sensitive information of a company.

Endpoint Protection
Platform (EPP)

This preventative mechanism scans every file that enters a network and compares it with the signatures of malicious threats in the database. A traditional anti-virus program is the most common example of EPP. Based on its working principle, this method is generally effective against signature-based attacks.

Endpoint Detection and
Remediation (EDR)

This is an advanced tool of cybersecurity that offers continuous detection. It monitors every file and software that enters an endpoint. Hence, all the possible threats can be investigated in detail. The biggest advantage of EDR is its effectiveness against a range of threats, including polymorphic attacks and fileless malware.

Extended Detection and
Response (XDR)

This tool uses the latest technologies to provide the ultimate form of endpoint security. It has a greater range of operations than EDR and offers higher visibility. In addition to that, XDR can also detect potential attacks (that may happen in the future) by using analytics and automation.

Why Choose Us?

With more than 2000 clients around the world, Silver Touch is a name of excellence and innovation. Our team of qualified and experienced IT professionals can manage everything, ranging from providing technical assistance to building cyber infrastructure. So, what are you waiting for? Connect with us now and get tomorrow’s change today.


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