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  • Comparison of Cloud Hosting vs VPS- Key Differences You Need to Know

    Published: May 2, 2024  |   | 
    Comparison of Cloud Hosting vs VPS- Key Differences You Need to Know

    Selecting the right hosting service for your business website and applications is quite a task. As today’s tech-savvy visitors expect a website to load in two to three seconds, web hosting becomes a necessity. It is a major reason behind the rise of the web hosting industry. As per the recent prediction, the web hosting market size is expected to reach USD 171 billion by 2027. In this post, we will see the differences between cloud hosting vs VPS (Virtual Private Server).

    When comparing both of them from the perspectives of features and benefits, we will dig deep into their trends. It will help you choose the best cloud hosting for your business. Let’s start from scratch and understand the concepts of cloud hosting and VPS hosting.

    What Is Cloud Hosting?

    It is one of the most popular hosting solutions that ensure your company’s website remains accessible with the help of cloud-based resources. Cloud hosting uses a network of connected virtual servers to host your website. Here, your website’s resources exist on multiple servers, and therefore, if one cloud server experiences maximum traffic or any technical issue, it can transfer traffic or resources to another cloud server.

    In a way, cloud hosting services can handle any amount of online traffic with a network of numerous servers working in sync. It can improve the performance of your website, and therefore, many companies and developers choose this option.

    What Is VPS Hosting?

    Virtualization technology is a base of VPS (Virtual Private Server) hosting. It is useful for companies that have requirements beyond shared hosting. In other words, in shared hosting, one server handles multiple websites simultaneously and clients have limited access to various resources. When your website grows in terms of traffic and functionality or features, this remains insufficient and you need to take a VPS hosting solution.

    VPS hosting enables companies to get access to dedicated resources on a single server. Unlike shared hosting, VPS offers its own space to clients to store their website data as per the requirements. Though VPS hosting depends on one physical server, it divides it into multiple slots. Each slot can store dedicated resources for individuals.

    Cloud Hosting vs VPS- Top Benefits

    Cloud hosting and VPS hosting both offer significant advantages over shared hosting but cater to different needs. Cloud hosting offers high scalability and more processing power to address a sudden traffic surge. It seamlessly allocates resources from a vast server network. Moreover, you only need to pay for what you use, making it ideal for websites with fluctuating traffic.

    VPS hosting provides corporate users with a dedicated chunk of resources on a physical server, offering strong performance and improved security compared to shared hosting. It is a good middle ground between shared hosting and a dedicated server, ideal for established websites that focus on control and performance at a reasonable cost.

    Cloud Hosting vs VPS Key Differences

    The main difference between cloud hosting and VPS hosting is their infrastructure. On the one hand, VPS hosting relies on one physical server to host the website, and on the other hand, cloud hosting uses a network of cloud-based servers to maintain the website.

    In VPS hosting, the physical server is divided into separate spots for every client to give them access to particular resources. Whereas, in cloud hosting, all resources are unified, giving limited accessibility. Another noteworthy difference is flexibility. Cloud hosting is highly flexible because of multiple servers but VPS hosting has limited flexibility due to the specificity of resources.

    Here is a quick table of differences between VPS hosting vs cloud hosting-

    VPS Hosting
    Cloud Hosting
    Web Hosting Server
    Dedicated Cloud-based
    Pricing Model
    Fixed Price
    Data Centers
    Differs from Vendor to VendorMultiple

    Cloud Hosting vs VPS Features Comparison

    We have gone through the key differences between cloud hosting vs VPS. Let’s dig deep into a feature-based comparison between these two solutions. This comparison will help you make the right choice for your company’s website. We will consider five essential factors- performance, scalability, customization, cost, and security.


    • Cloud Hosting

    It offers high uptime and consistent performance due to automatic failover and resource distribution across multiple servers.

    • VPS

    It delivers good performance with dedicated resources but might face limitations if other websites on the same physical server experience spikes in traffic.


    • Cloud Hosting

    It is ideal for scaling up or down resources on-demand to meet fluctuating traffic needs.

    • VPS

    Here, scaling up resources is limited and might require switching to a different plan.


    • Cloud Hosting

    It provides users with decent customization options, but managing configurations across a network of servers can be more complex.

    • VPS

    It offers high levels of customization with root access, similar to a dedicated server.


    • Cloud Hosting

    Costs can vary depending on usage. Some providers offer pay-as-you-go models, which might be cost-effective for low-traffic websites.

    • VPS

    Costs are typically fixed based on the chosen plan.


    • Cloud Hosting

    It offers good security but the web-based nature introduces a slightly higher risk.

    • VPS

    It provides users with strong security in isolated virtual environments.

    Cloud hosting is for scalability and cost-effectiveness and VPS hosting is for more security and customization options.

    Cloud Hosting vs VPS - Which One to Choose

    When choosing between Cloud Hosting and VPS, you can keep scalability at the centre.

    You can go for VPS if you prioritize a quick launch and do not feel any need to scale up significantly. It is a good starting point with good performance for a set price.

    You can opt for cloud Hosting if you need flexibility and anticipate fluctuating traffic or rapid growth in your website. Cloud hosting offers near-unlimited resources, allowing your site to scale seamlessly without performance drops. It also provides greater control over resource allocation and pricing.

    Simply put, VPS is a good choice for established websites outgrowing shared hosting, offering stability and improved performance. Cloud hosting is ideal for businesses needing scalability, flexibility, and the ability to handle unpredictable traffic surges.


    The cloud hosting vs VPS comparison is useful to choose the most suitable option for the company’s website. However, you need to consult a reputed hosting provider to get suggestions because many options are available these days. Hope this complete guide on VPS hosting vs cloud hosting will help you make the right decision.

    Silver Cloud is one of the best cloud hosting solutions to meet the diverse needs of modern enterprises. It gives your business website the necessary flexibility and scalability in a cost-effective manner. Contact us to learn more about the Silver Cloud solution, and schedule a demo or a meeting. We will assist you in making the most of advanced cloud hosting technology.


    Is VPS a cloud-based hosting?

    Yes, VPS is a type of cloud-based hosting. It leverages virtualized resources on a physical server.

    Cloud hosting vs VPS - Which One is good for individuals or businesses?

    VPS is ideal for individuals or businesses that need more control and flexibility than shared hosting but only requires part of the resources of a dedicated server. Whereas, cloud hosting is a good option for businesses seeking a scalable and cost-effective solution.

    Is cloud hosting and VPS hosting the same thing?

    No, cloud hosting and VPS hosting are not the same. VPS hosting is a type of cloud hosting, but cloud hosting is an umbrella term for a wide range of services.

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