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  • Enterprise DevOps- Importance and Key Benefits You Need to Know

    Published: May 16, 2023  |   | 
    Enterprise DevOps- Importance and Key Benefits You Need to Know-Silver Touch Technologies

    Many entrepreneurs consider DevOps solutions useful for startups and technology companies. The reason behind this notion is the chief objective of DevOps implementation, which is to help companies build their culture or establish cloud-native roots. However, the reality is completely different! Best practices in DevOps are beneficial for all enterprises irrespective of their sizes.

    Be it an agile enterprise or an established company, DevOps services are equally useful for every organization. As per the recent RedGate Software survey, 74% of enterprises have adopted DevOps in some form and its adoption is rising globally for this reason. As per the GMInsights prediction, the DevOps market size is expected to grow at 20 percent CAGR globally during the period of 2023 to 2032 thanks to increasing demand.

    Let’s start from scratch and understand the concept of enterprise DevOps.

    Understanding Enterprise DevOps

    DevOps is a culture that brings processes, technology, people, and products together to ensure faster delivery of quality software. This approach is aimed at adding value to customers. When we scale DevOps to a large and highly-regulated company, it is known as Enterprise DevOps. The Enterprise DevOps strategy focuses on software development automation.

    Enterprise DevOps brings a paradigm shift for some infrastructure automation requirements out of the Dev side and into the Ops side. Enterprise DevOps solutions enable the rapid delivery of applications and services continuously. It is about applying best practices in processes, skills, tools, and teams across the company while respecting change management.

    Benefits of Enterprise DevOps

    Enterprise DevOps has many benefits as an essential step in software development. Here, the responsibility of release managers is limited to coordination, and developers are responsible for deploying their code. In enterprise DevOps, developers use various tools like Travis CL or Jenkins to automate the process, whereas operation executives offer services like databases to facilitate developers in accomplishing tasks.

    Here are the top benefits of Enterprise DevOps solutions-

    Benefits of Enterprise DevOps - Silver Touch Technologies

    1. Reduces Environmental Risks

    Enterprise DevOps services are aimed at training operations groups for using DevOps tools to establish common environments for all the teams. As per the Enterprise DevOps approach, operations teams supply a common set of environments that teams of developers can automate.

    2. Promotes Innovation

    Enterprise DevOps can implement solutions without taking external or internal support. It can open the doors of innovation and research by bringing automation and making employees free to focus on other core areas. Your employees can also learn and improve more over the period.

    3. Detects Defects in Advance

    Companies need to spend a lot of time and effort in testing and debugging the code. Thanks to DevOps solutions, you can find any defects at the early stages. Also, the DevOps system enables you to make changes across the entire process thereby eliminating the need of correction across the board.

    4. Enables Orchestration

    When release managers ensure the standardization of software deployment by coordinating with developers, they can predict the timeline for given projects more accurately. This benefit plays a vital role in delivering products on time in large companies.

    5. Improves Deployment Frequency

    DevOps services can assist you to increase speed by ensuring continuous delivery and quick feedback cycles. Such a faster development cycle can further reduce the turnaround time and improve frequency of deployment. Also, enterprises can leverage the benefits of cross-functional skills and flexibility.

    Principles of Enterprise DevOps

    Enterprise DevOps has six principles on which the concept is based. Here is a brief on these six principles.

    • Customer-centric Action

    It is the most important principle of Enterprise DevOps. It facilitates your team to collaborate for delivering outcomes in line with the customer’s expectations and experience. It is known as a customer-centric action.

    • End-to-end Responsibility

    In DevOps implementation, developers remain accountable for writing clean code, testers need to ensure that each feature works properly, and operations engineers have to provide reliable environments for seamless functionality.

    • Outcome-oriented Approach

    This approach denotes the way of thinking about how the application will work in production even before it enters into the development stage. It ensures that all team members have a shared understanding of what they are developing.

    • Continuous Improvement

    This principle is useful for getting rapid feedback. Traditionally, changes are made on a schedule, but in a DevOps environment, changes can happen on a daily or hourly basis as per the requirement to improve the process.

    • Cross-functional Teams

    DevOps teams consist of developers and IT professionals who are experts in operations. Therefore, your company can get the advantage of cross-functional teams in a single team.

    • All-round Automation

    Automation is at the core of DevOps solutions. You can scale up or down the infrastructure with little human intervention because of automation. As a result, you can reduce errors, save time, and ensure high availability.

    Implementing Enterprise DevOps

    Implementation of Enterprise DevOps can be a daunting and complicated task. However, you can take assistance from a reputed DevOps consulting company to achieve various goals of enterprise DevOps.

    It starts with identifying the gaps or shortcomings in existing processes and technical stacks. The next step is streamlining the methodologies used in the application ecosystem. Then the DevOps implementation team focuses on automating the regular activities while creating a centralized dashboard for the entire process.

    Proper implementation of Enterprise DevOps makes it possible to ensure disaster recovery and high availability. Your teams can get quick feedback and act accordingly. However, it is necessary for your company to establish a strong review process to get the benefit of DevOps implementation for a long time. Along with this, you need to encourage effective collaboration and long-term commitment within your teams to make DevOps implementation successful.

    Challenges of Enterprise DevOps

    Every innovative or useful technical concept has its set of challenges, and enterprise DevOps is no exception! Here are some of the common issues that companies face during the implementation.

    • Integration of various tools across different domains
    • Transformation of traditional processes into client-centric methods
    • The paradigm shift from legacy infrastructure to the environment of microservices
    • Acclimatization to the different culture
    • Adoption of new tools and approach

    Companies can overcome these challenges with the help of a trusted DevOps solutions provider. All you need to do is follow the best practices for ensuring the success of DevOps implementation.

    Here we give some of the best practices for gaining the advantage of Enterprise DevOps.

    Best Practices for Enterprise DevOps

    Here we outline the best DevOps practices you should follow for transforming processes. It is better to consult a DevOps services provider to know more about these practices.

    • Automated Testing for identifying and resolving the issue in advance
    • Configuration and change management for improving the team’s performance
    • Continuous Integration (CI) for developing modern apps
    • Continuous Delivery (CD) for launching the application quicker
    • Regular monitoring for optimizing the app’s performance
    • Ensure real-time visibility for product teams and all stakeholders
    • Continuous feedback for making sure that the product works seamlessly

    Always use the right toolset as per the requirement

    Jira, Jenkins, Git, Kubernetes, and AWS DevOps are some of the best enterprise DevOps tools and software.

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    DevOps adoption is all set to rise. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that DevOps is an ongoing journey. When you opt for enterprise DevOps, you need to follow the best practices to leverage its benefits. An experienced technical partner can assist you in enterprise DevOps consulting and implementation. You can also address the challenges effectively with the help of a robust and reliable DevOps solutions provider.

    Silver Touch Technologies is a renowned DevOps services provider. Our expertise in Enterprise DevOps implementation can assist you to build effective communication for establishing excellent culture. Do you want to know more about the importance of DevOps solutions for your company? Simply send us an email at and we will get back to you soon!

    FAQs on Enterprise DevOps

    What is enterprise DevOps?

    Enterprise DevOps combines processes, technology, and people to deliver quality software faster and add value to customers in large organizations.

    What are the benefits of Enterprise DevOps solutions?

    Benefits of Enterprise DevOps include reduced environmental risks, increased innovation, early defect detection, improved deployment frequency, and better orchestration capabilities.

    What are the principles of Enterprise DevOps?

    Principles of Enterprise DevOps include customer-centric action, end-to-end responsibility, outcome-oriented approach, continuous improvement, cross-functional teams, and all-round automation.

    What are the challenges of implementing Enterprise DevOps?

    Challenges of implementing Enterprise DevOps include tool integration, process transformation, legacy infrastructure migration, cultural adaptation, and adoption of new tools and approaches.

    What are the best practices for Enterprise DevOps?

    Best practices for Enterprise DevOps include automated testing, configuration management, continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), regular monitoring, real-time visibility, continuous feedback, and using the right toolset.

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