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  • How Top Technology Trends Make Your Business Ready for 2021?

    Published: Jan 13, 2021  |   | 
    Digital Transformation Solutions

    The corporate sector is bracing itself for the post-COVID era amid the global shift in work culture and the emergence of new business models. Advancing technology will play a vital role in making the corporate sector resilient against the adversities caused by the recent pandemic. As people are getting used to the “new normal” of working from home, customized IT solutions can make all the difference for your business in the coming years.

    As a CEO, you strive for minimizing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your company while implementing the new normal of the year 2021 and beyond. There, technological advancements lend a helping hand. You can leverage the benefits of digital transformation solutions and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) implementation to take on volatility and apparent recession in businesses across the world. Though remote working has remained in practice in recent years, the coronavirus outbreak has made the work from home concept mandatory. Some companies have already declared that they will continue WFH till the middle of 2021.

    Interestingly, a few companies want to keep it a permanent practice for their employees. Global Workplace Analytics has predicted that 25 to 30% of the workforce will start working from home multiple days a week by the end of the year 2021. In such a scenario, digital transformation solutions will bridge the gap between the management and employees by ensuring productivity and increasing trust between one another through real-time connectivity and access to necessary information.

    1. Mobility- Enterprise mobility is evolved beyond the BYOD concept these days. Real-time connectivity is crucial for CEOs to maintain the employee’s efficiency and productivity while employees work from home. Until face-to-face meetings return to normal, digital strategies like video conferencing and instant messaging should be implemented to improve relationships and get the desired outcome in a given deadline.

    Businesses need to ensure that the need for motivation, connection, and accountability should be met properly in the new workspace called home. Through in-person meetings are practically impossible, you can take the assistance of a custom application development company for making an app that keeps your employees feel connected and motivated while working alone at home.

    Another benefit of embracing mobility in the enterprise is you can attract and engage your customers with your dedicated employees online.

    Also Read- How to Make Your Process Automation Intelligent in 2021

    2. Online Presence- Whether you want to implement the WFH culture effectively or strengthening your customer base and business network, you need to improve the online presence and digital profile of your company. You can make your business websites more interactive and easy-to-use and improve customer services by remaining active on social media for answering their questions and resolving queries. You can also go through the suggestions of your customers in their social media feed and try to resolve their issues immediately to build a loyal customer base.

    You can also opt for custom software development services to build a dedicated app that can give your customers a personalized experience every time. In a way, you can keep your business growing amid the global crisis.

    3. Innovation and Creativity- You may argue that these are not technology trends. Agreed, but embracing new ideas and technological advancements are considered as an innovative approach these days. The pandemic has brought revolutionary changes in the business scenario globally, and if a CEO fails to implement new ideas and follow new practices, it may result in a big disaster.

    When we say an innovative approach, we mean that you should keep data analytics and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) at the core of your business. With this, it is better to encourage your employees’ creativity, new ideas, and suggestions. As a CEO, you need to keep an inclusive approach for bringing employees, stakeholders, partners, and customers together in the post-COVID era.

    4. ERP and RPA Solutions- Flexibility in work culture has become a need of the hour in this COVID-19 era, and the year 2021 is not an exception! As a CEO, you need to keep a check on attrition and focus on retaining talent, and flexibility will assist you to serve these objectives. You can implement customized ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solutions for meeting deadlines and maintaining the productivity of employees. RPA implementation can help you in bringing automation for mundane and repetitive tasks so that you can manage processes with limited resources.

    Concluding Lines

    It is fair to mention that the negative impact of coronavirus on the corporate sector will last for a long time. It is better to consult a reputed IT services provider to leverage the benefits of advancing technology for coping with the economic crisis. As a CEO, you can implement these tech trends and drive innovation to keep the growth rate intact in the year 2021. The pandemic has become the catalyst for change and introducing creativity in the way we do business.

    At Silver Touch Technologies, we assist businesses of all sizes to grow by offering advanced enterprise software services, digital transformation solutions, ERP solutions, resilient services, and robotic process automation (RPA) services. We have a robust offshore development center to meet the requirements of any size of software development projects. Do you want to excel in the year 2021 and beyond? Simply send us an email at and we will get back to you with a roadmap to success.

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