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Green Data Centers
Energy Efficient

Green Data

A greener data center will reduce power costs, improve cooling capacity and enhance system reliability, while at the same time dramatically reducing the total cost of ownership.

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Consulting Green Data Centers

Fueling Green Data Centers

Virtualization has come and is
here to stay

The notion of virtualization is simplistic, convert physical instances to virtual instances, treat multiple virtual instances on less physical machines, and decrease power consumption. In computing, virtualization is a wide term that applies to the abstraction of computer resources. Virtualization lets a single computer do the task of multiple computers, by distributing the resources of a single computer across multiple settings.

The most prevalent implementation of virtualization to date supports the following business situations: consolidation (chief objective); business continuance / disaster restoration; test and development; and security. Nonetheless, virtualization is much more than only consolidating physical servers and reducing data-center costs. The technology promises far-reaching results, from maximum resource utilization at one end to abundant savings in power, energy, and management expenses at the other.

It is only a matter of time; the sooner you deploy this technology, the sooner you can start saving money for your business. This would not only grow your business but also give you capabilities to take intiatives and meet your goals.


Silver Touch is a VMware & Microsoft Gold certified partner for server virtualization solutions.

Transitioning to a Green Data Center

Profit our 22+ years of extensive, hands-on experience

It helps to create workable strategies for improving energy efficiency.

What can we do?
Cooling Systems for Data Centers

Reducing Cooling Requirements

Improvements in the rack and room layout can boost energy efficiency with moderate investment.

Achieve PUE with Innovative Technologies

With IT devices becoming more energy efficient and greener, substituting older IT devices with newer models can decrease overall power and cooling demands.

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Benefits of Virtualization in the Data Center

  • Reduces Heat

    It reduces heat only because you’ll deploy fewer servers. This would lower risk of break down.

  • Segregated Workload

    Each application has an independent computing setting and service level purposes to run on a single machine.

  • More Resilient

    Component crashes can be automatically controlled, and the workload restarted.

  • Central Control

    Resources in a virtualized setting can be operated from a single point of control, thus improving operations.

  • Disaster Recovery

    Virtualization increases the amount of disk space, thus maximizing utilization rates and reduce risk.

  • Easier Migration

    Get ease of data migration with virtualization of data center with easy access.

Virtualizing Your Servers

Limitless possibilities with our cloud-based virtual solutions.

Do you Believe the Myths around Vistualization?

Virtualization Myth-Busting Facts Download Pdf

Bridge the IT-Facility Gap

Bridge the IT-Facility Gap

At Silver Touch, we make on-going efforts to think green to help companies operating in the black.

Through Data Center Virtualization, we create powerful pools of storage, processing, and networking resources that can be implemented as and when needed to applications.

Ensure Scalability and Security

At Silver Touch, we facilitate you to rent space based on your current needs that can be easily scaled up.

Our data centres ensure the highest level of service availability. With 100% power facility and built-in redundancy for all critical components, you can be assured your mission critical applications will always be online.


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