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Cloud Management Service
Clouding Cybermetrix

Cloud Management Service

Leverage the benefits of Cloud Solutions

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Enterprise Cloud Solutions Cloud Management

Cloud Managed Services

Faster innovation, Smarter & more flexible operations are the new ways of connecting with customers and creating business value. A move to cloud can make all of this possible. But if it doesn’t ultimately streamline your critical IT processes and simplify management of key business applications, you may never capture cloud’s full benefits.

With Silver Touch’s Cloud Managed Services (CMS), you can leave the complexities of managing workloads to us.

Managing your IT infrastructure can be costly, both in hard rupees and in human resources. By leaving your cloud infrastructure day-to-day management to us, and freeing up resources, you can focus on strategic business initiatives and reduce costs.

Silver Touch Cloud Managed Services can help design, build, and manage comprehensive cloud solutions addressing these key components to fit your needs and budget:

Silver Touch delivers so can realize your cloud success:

Infrastructure Management

  • Proactive capacity planning, provision cloud environments, proactively manage all systems and adhere to define service levels.
  • Provide performance and cost optimization.

Application Management

  • Provide application development, maintenance and operational support for business applications.
  • SAP ERP & B1 HAHA Migration & Management

Service management

  • Around-the-clock professionals to review alerts and manage incidents.
  • Carry out OS image update, patch management, configuration changes & resizing request.
  • Backup & Disaster Recovery management on hybrid & public cloud scenarios with point in time recovery & failover.
  • Proactive infrastructure health monitoring and alerting
  • Monthly health reports
  • 24 X 7 support on-demand
  • Cloud usage and billing management


Enable deployment of security integration, configurations, processes and policies

  • WAF, DDoS, anti-virus, anti-malware, email and web site protection
  • Identity & Access Management – AD, SSO, 2FA

Silver Touch CMS follows a holistic, integrated approach that supports the leading hyperscale cloud providers including AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, VMWare Cloud, Red Hat Cloud and Oracle Cloud, to realize your cloud vision.

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  • This form is Secured with Validations.
  • Your Privacy is our utmost priority.
  • We will not reveal any of your info.
  • It will be used to contact you for Project purpose only.
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